The Importance of Location in Retail Franchising


In South African retail’s vibrant and diverse landscape, the age-old adage “location, location, location” holds especially true. For retail franchises, the right location can make the difference between thriving success and dismal failure. This blog delves into why location is critical in retail franchising, particularly within the dynamic South African market.

The South African Retail Landscape

South Africa boasts a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, urbanisation, and economic disparity, creating a unique retail environment. From bustling urban centres like Johannesburg and Cape Town to emerging suburban areas and rural towns, each location presents distinct opportunities and challenges for retail franchises.

Key Factors Influencing Location Choice

1. Consumer Demographics

Understanding the demographics of a potential location is crucial. South African cities often display various economic segments, cultural backgrounds, and lifestyle preferences. For instance, a franchise targeting young professionals would thrive in Sandton, Johannesburg, known as the financial hub of Africa. In contrast, a family-oriented franchise might find better prospects in suburban areas like Durbanville, Cape Town.

2. Foot Traffic and Visibility

High-foot traffic areas, such as shopping malls, busy streets, and transportation hubs, offer greater visibility and customer flow. Malls like the Mall of Africa in Midrand and the Gateway Theatre of Shopping in Durban are prime examples of places where franchises benefit from heavy foot traffic, ensuring a steady stream of potential customers.

3. Competition and Market Saturation

Analysing the competitive landscape is essential. While competition can indicate a healthy market, oversaturation can be detrimental. For example, a new coffee franchise might struggle in Cape Town’s central business district, where established brands dominate. Conversely, emerging suburbs or towns with less competition could provide fertile ground for growth.

4. Accessibility and Convenience

Accessibility is a significant factor in South Africa, where public transportation infrastructure varies widely. Locations near major roads, taxi ranks, and public transport stations ensure ease of access for customers. Retail spaces with ample parking also attract more foot traffic, especially in car-dependent cities.

5. Economic Environment

Economic stability and consumer spending power vary across regions. Franchises must consider local economic conditions and consumer behaviour. In affluent areas like Sandhurst in Johannesburg, high-end retail franchises might flourish, while cost-sensitive franchises could succeed in economically diverse areas. It’s highly recommended to use the services of market research companies to understand a retail store’s economic potential. Before buying a franchise, ask the franchisor about the methods and research they use to choose the ideal location.

Case Studies: Success Stories in South African Retail 

1. Woolworths

Woolworths is a prime example of a retail brand that has masterfully leveraged its location for success. By strategically placing stores in affluent urban areas, petrol forecourts, and as anchors in high-traffic shopping centres, Woolworths caters to a customer base that values quality and convenience. The brand is also considering different formats to appeal to a broader market.

2. OBC Chicken

OBC Chicken is one of a few retailers that realised the untapped value of being situated near its customers in townships. Their accessibility and tailored offerings help the brand to take the lead in that market.


PostNet has become part of our urban and town landscapes and has a footprint of over 400 stores. With the focus on SME’s and their positioning as an outsourced member of every business, it’s clear that they fulfil a need for SMEs and, therefore, become destination stores in their markets.


In conclusion, the significance of location in retail franchising cannot be overstated, especially in a diverse and dynamic market like South Africa. From understanding consumer demographics to assessing competition and ensuring accessibility, every aspect of location strategy plays a pivotal role in a franchise’s success. By making informed decisions and leveraging the unique characteristics of each locale, retail franchises can unlock immense potential and achieve lasting prosperity.

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