Why do some franchises fail?

Franchising has become an increasingly popular business model, as it allows entrepreneurs to launch their own business with the benefit of established brand recognition and a proven business system. However, not all franchises are successful; in fact, some franchises fail. In this guide, we will explain some of the most common reasons why franchises fail and provide valuable advice to those interested in franchising to help increase their chances of success.

  • Poor quality training

One of the most common reasons for franchise failure is poor quality training. Franchise owners rely on the franchise system to give them the knowledge and support they need to succeed. However, if the training is insufficient, the franchisee may be unable to operate their business effectively. Poor training can also lead to inconsistency in the franchise’s products or services, resulting in customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, the franchisor must ensure that their training program is comprehensive and includes hands-on experience, ongoing support, and detailed operational procedures. Franchise owners who receive excellent training are likelier to run successful businesses and maintain a positive reputation.

  • Bad franchise location

Another common reason why franchises fail is a bad location. The franchisee may have selected a location based on assumptions or feelings rather than research. For example, the location could be in an area with low foot traffic or in an area that is too competitive with other businesses offering similar services or products. Alternatively, the location may not be convenient for customers to get to. This problem can sometimes be prevented by conducting thorough research beforehand and analyzing customer demographics and competition. In some cases, the franchisor may have given misleading advice on location selection, but it is ultimately the franchisee’s responsibility to ensure they choose a good location.

If you want to learn more about the key factors to consider before choosing a franchise location, you should read our guide to choosing the right franchise location for your franchise.

  • Ineffective marketing

Marketing is crucial in any business, but even more so in franchises where brand recognition is key. However, sometimes franchises fail due to ineffective marketing strategies. This can be caused by numerous factors, such as targeting the wrong audience or using outdated advertising techniques. In addition, the franchise may not have allocated enough resources to marketing or may not have a clear marketing plan. This can lead to low foot traffic, low sales, and, ultimately, a failed franchise. Therefore, it’s important for franchise owners to constantly analyze their marketing strategies and adjust them as necessary to ensure success. Effective marketing can differentiate between a thriving franchise and a failed one.

  • Franchisee may be the wrong fit

Another reason why franchised businesses can fail is because the franchisee may not be the right fit for the business. It is essential that a franchisee is not only passionate about the industry but also has the necessary skills and experience to run the franchise successfully. For example, if a franchisee is passionate about the food industry but lacks the managerial experience needed to run a restaurant, the franchise is unlikely to succeed. Moreover, a franchisee who is not committed to following the franchisor’s guidelines and operating procedures can lead to the failure of the franchise. Therefore, franchisors must carefully select franchisees and ensure they are the right fit for the franchise.


Franchises can be a great way to start a business and be your own boss. However, although franchises do have higher success rates, this does not mean franchises do not fail. The reasons for failure can vary from poor quality training to bad location, ineffective marketing, and a franchisee who is simply the wrong fit.

Franchise owners should ensure that they receive thorough training and support before starting their business. They should also choose a location that is easily accessible to their target audience and has adequate foot traffic. Moreover, franchise owners must develop an effective marketing strategy that helps them stand out from their competitors.

Finally, selecting the right franchisee with the necessary skills, experience, and passion for running the franchise business is essential. Without these key factors in place, the franchise is likely to struggle and may ultimately fail.

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